Why Halalan Finance?
Yield farming can generate passive income. However, maximizing this passive income can be a troublesome endeavor. Reward tokens need to be claimed, swapped for two tokens to be paired in a liquidity pool, and then reinvested into the initial pool to generate more rewards.
Claim, swap, re-invest and repeat...this is done several times a day, or even several times per hour. This process is very time-consuming, and involves too much cost. Yield Optimizer provides a solution for that: Automate Compounding.
Halalan finance offers the possibility to complete this cycle automatically, which not only saves time and money, but also guarantees optimal results. Halalan Finance has 3 things that set it apart from other yield optimizers:
Sharia compliant, the team will only list halal coins/tokens on the platform
Users are automatically doing good deeds, as a portion of the rewards they get goes to philanthropy / da'wah and social activities (10% of performance fee )
Instead of just classical compounding, Halalan Finance provides advance strategy vault as an alternative.
Shariah Perspective
We have already explained about the halal rewards earned from DEX for liquidity providers (see section yielf farming ). Therefore, compounding those rewards is also permissible. Wallahu a'lam.
Last updated